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News from Dowd House Studios: places to find our pottery, exhibitions, classes & workshops, new forms and exciting projects.

Filtering by Category: Milestone

Studio Update

Jenny Dowd

A lot has happened in the past few months! Here are the highlights…

We got a new electric kiln! It’s big, heavy, and awkward, so getting it off of Sam’s truck was an undertaking. We moved it into the studio using Ancient Egyptian engineering - rolling the kiln and pallet on scrap metal rollers. This was actually pretty fun and of course we took a few minutes to Walk Like an Egyptian and to sing that song too…

Still need to hook it up, but the kiln is now in its new home with the other kilns (they all need names.) The space is a bit unsettled for the moment, but everything will find a place soon.

Speaking of finding a place, we’ve been in need of shelving to keep our drying or ready to be fired pottery. Sam welded us a cart…

Up next, this is probably the most important (or at this point, luxurious) item… a studio sink! Complete with clay trap and on-demand water heater. I promise it will never be this clean again. Ever.

Or maybe this is the most important? A tiny bathroom, complete with a sliding barn door (with a handle Sam made once in a blacksmithing class) and a vintage porcelain towel rack (scavenged by my dad)

We had our first ever open studio and pottery sale this weekend, it was a good start for events to come! Plus we got help with the final lift of the new kiln and a few suggestions on future bathroom colors…

Not to be left out, Studio Cat Merlin is hard at work overseeing the Shipping Department (located in the house.) We will be introducing Merlin back to his job in the studio very soon, we just need to finish building things and make sure he has some comfy perches he can observe from. He’s resting up in preparation.

We Moved!

Jenny Dowd

Oh wow, we did it. We packed up the studio, the house, the cat and drove across the country. There’s a reason there are not many photos - this was exhausting.

This is just a tiny announcement that I’ll be reviving my journal with regular(ish) posts - weaving together my life as a potter and artist - now in a new environment.

So what did we do? We decided it was time for a change, a big one. Sam and I are both now fully self-employed artists (yay!) and will be building a studio outside of our new home in NW Arkansas. After 14 years in Wyoming it’s a big change, even having a mailbox in front of our house is different!

Studio Cat Merlin seems to approve, he wasn’t a big fan of the actual travel, but since arrival has overseen all the unpacking and no longer hides inside the closets. The house photo was right before we moved in. There’s lots happening, stay tuned!

A Milestone

Jenny Dowd

Something big is slowly happening... I opened the Etsy Shop, Dowd House Studios, in 2012. As of today we have had 95 orders!

To celebrate we will be giving something away with orders #99, 100 & 101! Not in any particular order we will be including a bud vase, sauce bowls and a tiny ceramic monster truck.

Clockwise from top left: Soda fired bud vase by Jenny, 2 little dipping bowls (one made by Sam, one made by Jenny), tiny red monster truck made by Sam


I am so happy that pottery has officially become my day job. Thank you for the love and support!